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F1 Bengal Cat

Obrázek autora: LynxLand BengalsLynxLand Bengals

Aktualizováno: 12. 3. 2020

The Foundation Bengal Cats

F1 bengal cat - foundation bengal
F1 bengal cat - foundation bengal

“F - Foundation / Early Generation / Bengal Cats” as a loving #pet

Bengal Cats are unique breed with great appearance that makes them very special human companion. There are a lot of fascinating information about this breed to research. I am going to take a quick overview of one of the main questions: “What about #F1 Bengal Cat and filial lines as a domestic pet?

F1 Bengal Cat Bubbling Brooks Maganda of Thunderrpaws
F1 Bengal Cat
F1 Bengal Cat in Lynxland Bengals 6 month old kitten
F1 Bengal Cat - 6 month old

The term F1 means the first generation of Filial (meaning son), the “1” designates the generation number from the Asian Leopard Cats (ALC). The F1 Bengal Cat is result from crossbreeding of an ALC with a domestic cat (nowadays mainly Bengal Cat). This F1 cat has characteristics of both the ALC and the domestic breed.

ALC – Asian Leopard Cat
ALC – Asian Leopard Cat

The F1 female is bred with a male of Bengal Cat to produce 2G Bengal Cats – the males are infertile in the early filial line (F1–3G). This filial line continues producing Bengal Cats of 3G, 4G… The male infertility fixes itself with 4G Bengal Cat – very rarely the males might be infertile also in 4G or beyond.

Few words on classification: The International Cat Association (TICA) agreed to use 2G and 3G instead of F2 and F3 to identify the generations removed from a non-domestic feline of any cat. The correct terms for producing an SBT Bengal Cat are following:

Ossirian Ozalee of Lynxland - F1 bengal cat
Lynxland Thor – 8G Bengal Cat
Lynxland Thor – 8G Bengal Cat

“F, 2G, 3G” labelling instead of “F1, F2 and F3” helps both breeders and pet lovers to perform a better estimation of personality, temperament or behaviour. Commonly – closer to F1 generation, more likely a cat would be “wilder”. Bengal Cats of higher filial lines should be more “domesticated”. But it is very individual and it depends on various aspects.

Early generation /#foundation / kitten. What should I expect?

If you decide to bring a #Early #Generation #Bengal Cat into your family, you have to be truly committed to this breed and to be aware of the behaviour of this breed. It takes a unique owner willing to provide a loving care to an animal that is going to be your family companion for many years.

The temperament of F1 Bengal Cat (and followed 2G and 3G as well) might by various and it is difficult to predict which parent would have influenced the offspring in a more significant way. If the F1 Bengal Cat is full of wildness and energy, the genetics of the ALC have been more prominent. The behaviour of F1 can be really challenging to predict and handle – and the change in the behaviour can come with aging.

First generations of Bengal Cats are quite similar as other Bengal Cats, but they do perform some specifics in their behaviour. For example – they distrust strangers, #ALC #genes affect to betterment with a raw food diet as well (Early generation of Bengal Cat prefer a raw food diet than higher filial) and they can be shy or have lesser ability to socialize (it takes usually some time).

Everything depends on the wild genes and the character and temperament of the ALC and Bengal Cat. Even the small handful of Bengal Cats that do not have litter box issues as peeing outside are very active, vocal, love to play in water. I experienced that my “F Bengal Cats” are cleaner than SBT Generation. The interest in water is also affected by ALC genes. This interest in water is characteristic for higher filial as well – 2G, 3G, 4G Bengal Cats enjoy playing in a water bowl too.

2G bengal cat QueenAnn Iris of Lynxland

What we said above can serve as a good guideline for pet lovers when they want to choose the “right” kitten – they can prefer the unique look and wilder side of F1 or the domestic character of 4G and higher filial.

“F Bengal Cat” – Let me interduce myself

Asian Leopard Cat is a wild feline in every possible way you can imagine. As well the personality of F1 Bengal Cat is signifantly individual then in high filial. Everything “F Bengal Cat” does in its life is more intense – cuddling, voice intensity (be sure you will hear your cat, if she calls you). Importantly, F1 Bengal Cat should not be aggressive and hostile to her owner! Such Bengal Cat have to be neutered and exclude from breeding programme.

My experience is that the personality of high filial is determined by genetics and the socialization process is not easy because the temperament of kittens depends both on parents and breeders. That is why it is necessary to breed only friendly, non-aggressive Bengal Cats. Decent breeder applies this rule for higher filial as well!

Bengal Cats should be happy, playful and friendly. On the other hand, they tend to bond with one person and to be more loyal and affectionate towards a single person. That does not mean they do not let anyone else close to them but they do not have to interact with your guests or strangers.

This does not necessarily mean that F1 Bengal Cat cannot be perfect pet – especially when the owner is really committed. You have to respect that your new family companion has wild side of his personality – and this has to be manifested somehow😊. Owning an F1 or 2G cat is simply a challenging lifestyle, understand? From now, the world is spinning around your Bengal Cat companion.

Here is the reference from 2G Bengal Cat Owner of Lynxland Zakiyya after moving to his new purrefect family and after really short acclimatization:

“Update from new home. Zakiyya is completely settled here and walks all over the place. Left all the inside doors open last night to and he came and slept on the bed next to me😊 until morning 6:30 a.m. Lots of purring and playing nonstop. He does not cry at all and he sits close to me or in one of the kitchen chairs. He is very playful and not scared to come for a back scratch either😊. I think he is doing exceptionally well and you should be proud on him.”

I can tell you l am truly happy with my first 2G kitten!

It is usual that F1, 2G, 3G kittens require more time for socialization from the breeder. Some breeders of Early Generation of Bengal Cats take kittens from their mothers and raise them on the bottle. I say that mama cats are experts at raising healthy, well-adjusted kittens and they allow you to have contact with her kitten on a daily basis. I highly recommend you to not take the kittens from mama cat – she will remember this. It is not rare when she decides rather to kill the kittens than let you take them away! These references come from breeders of other felines as cougars and servals as well. Some breeders take kittens from its mother at age of three weeks but it is considered to be very stressful both for mother and kittens. Mama cat will start to wean their kittens off their milk at one month of age. The time that kittens are allowed to spend with their mama cat is really essential for their growing and proper socialization.

2G Lynxland Zakiyya Socialization at age of 14 days

On the other hand, an SBT (Stud Book Tradition) Bengal Cats represent at least five generations or more of Bengal-to-Bengal breeding. There is five generations removed from ALC wild blood. That is why SBT Bengal Cats are considered to be a fully domestic cat and great pet. Today, the most of Bengal Cat pets are SBT.

Breeding couple in Lynxland Bengals – F1 Osirian Ozalee and 8G Lynxland Taima (I choosed Taima for Ozalle becuase of his very friendly easy going temper). On the picture below in age 4month.

F1 bengal x 8G Bengal cat – breeding couple

My final recommendation: if you are looking for a loving and cuddling pet, then go after 3G or higher filial and SBT Bengal Cats. If you willing to have a unique partner with its own personality and you are ready to bring a full commitment to your new companion, then your first choice should definitely be F1 or 2G Bengal Cats.


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